Scrypt Proof of Work/Proof of Stake Hybrid with Proof-of-Transaction
Earn Flutter Coins through Proof-Of-Work, Proof-Of-Stake, or Proof-Of-Transaction mining.
Butterfly Effect: The phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.
Such is the design of Flutter Coin. Proof-of-Transaction (POT) - a feature only found in Flutter Coin, creates more opportunity for such chaos. For ex- ample, someone sending 1000 FLT to an ecommerce site for 1 widget, could be rewarded 2000 FLT via POT, enabling this person to possibly buy an additional 2 widgets, thus enabling the ecommerce site owner to use the proceeds to buy goods or services from another party, and the ripple effects continue...
Random Proof-Of-Work Mining (POW) Rewards (halving every 262,800 blocks)