Algorithm: Scrypt
Max Coins: 92,000,000,000 Penguincoin
Block Time: 2.5 minutes
Block Reward: 1-500,000
Difficulty Retarget: Every 40 minutes
Block reward halves every: 100,000 blocks
Premine: 0.4% - For Bountys, giveaways & promotion and to pay the other dev to help make this re-launch happen.
It's a low amount of premine and its not for personal gain. Premine will be used for worldwide promotion projects, i can assure you.. this low premine will not be dumped.
first 300 blocks are decreased reward, 1-50000
Icon | |
Name | Penguincoin |
Symbol / Tag | PENG |
Website Penguincoin Wallet download |
Github / Source Code | Github |
Forum | Bitcointalk |
Penguincoin Wallet Version Client Version |
v0.6.3.0-g9ec6669-beta Get Info RPC
Version: 60300 Protocol Version: 60001 Wallet Version: 60000 |
Status | Unhealthy |
Connections | 4 |
Hash Algorithm | Scrypt |
Proof-of-Work Scheme | Proof-of-Work |
Coins to be Issued | 92,000,000,000 |
Block Time | 2.50 minute(s) |
Block Reward | 250,000.50coins |
Block Count | 64,012 |
Penguincoin Difficulty | 3.7688 |
Difficulty Retarget | 16 blocks |