Spreadcoin Featured

Spreadcoin 29/07/2014
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Crypto Currency > S
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niet leeg


Spreadcoin SpreadCoin is a new cryptocurrency which is more decentralized than Bitcoin.
It prevents centralization of hashing power in pools, which is one of the main concerns of Bitcoin security.
SpreadCoin was fairly launched on 29 July 2014, 9:00 UTC with no premine.

SpreadX11 is different from plain X11 by introducing a sophisticated pool prevention mechanism.

With SpreadX11 every block header contains additional information (MinerSignature and hashWholeBlock). With the help of this information the protocol ensures that the miner of a new block is always also the first one to know the content of the whole block and the private key to spend the coinbase transaction. (contrary to pool mining where the pool operator is the first one to know those things)

So when a miner finds a block, he must himself sign and transmit the block to the network (like solo mining), instead of having a pool handle this for him.

This effectively prevents pools by making their rules non-enforceable, since any miner in any assumed pool can always just steal the block reward instead of following the rules set up by the pool.

Information Spreadcoin Scorecard

Audited Yes
Website Yes
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Investor alert Yes
CoinWarz Yes
CoinGecko Yes

Total 42%
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Information Information

Audited: Yes
Launched: Thursday, 26 February 2015
Hash Algorithm: SpreadX11
Symbol: SPR
Block Time: 1 minute
Scheme: Proof-of-Work

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(54 votes)

Extra information Extra information & Specifications

Specifications: Total supply: 20 million
Block time: 1 minute
Block halving: smoothly halved
every 4 years
Initial block reward: 6.66 SPR
Port: 41678
RPC-Port: 41677

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