
Unbreakable 19/03/2014
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Crypto Currency > U
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niet leeg


Unbreakable While new coins are often released, none since Bitcoin can match the pure potential of UnbreakableCoin. UNB started taking the world by storm right away by being one of the first fully transparent coins in the crypto world. We were the first crytpo coin to offer live support via web and telephone. The Unbreakable Team is unmatched when it comes to user support,and everything we do as a team is open and transparent. We encourage people to ask us questions or for help anytime even if you need a website built to accept crypto. UnbreakableCoin is like no other group before, and we are here to stay! Our Unbreakable Team is worldwide and working around the clock to make UNB a serious commodity in this Crypto world. Vendors have already started accepting UNB and several more are in current negotiations with us. UnbreakableCoin is listed on Cryptsy and C-CEX Bitcoin exchanges. As we continue expanding in the Crypto world, we are expanding in the real world. Unlike any coin before us, we offer free live support via Google Hangouts, telephone during business hours, and more live support in our #IRC group with Team Speak voice chat. Our main #IRC server is a private server for security purpose, and we are also on the Freenode network now too. We are doing everything we can as a large team to make a better and more trusting Crypto Currency. Our mission is expanding crypto into the mainstream as the #1 payment option online and expanding UNB to the point of worldwide awareness and acceptance. UNB products and services give real world usage to UNB and other crypto coins! UNB is designed with a game plan to go the long haul!

Information Unbreakable Scorecard

Merchants No
Audited No
Website Yes
Facebook Yes
Twitter Yes
Coin Market Cap Yes
CoinWarz Yes
CoinGecko Yes

Total 47%
Please invest at your own risk

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Information Information

Launched: Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Hash Algorithm: SHA-256
Symbol: UNB
Block Time: 300
Scheme: Proof-of-Work

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Extra information Extra information & Specifications

Specifications: UnbreakableCoin aka UNB, is a POW Sha256d clone of BTC.
UNB is based directly on Satoshi's original plan for crypto currency, it is designed to pick up where he left off.
80 Million UNB will be available in total around the year 2050.
That's about 2.4 million mined out per year ratio Almost 4 times the size of Bitcoin, giving equal opportunity to Crypto users for a long time Zero % Premine.
Absolutely no premine at all on UNB.
Block Reward is 50 UNB and will half at Block#800,000.
There are no bonus blocks of any kind.
New block creation speeds at an average of 300 seconds, with equal hash to difficulty ratio.
Blocks can be faster or slower. Difficulty readjustment every 2016 Blocks - same as BTC - No Gravity Wells - Making UNB harder to get than most coins.
It will take 35-40 years to mine out all 80 Million UNB Designed to implement the same features BTC implements, including blockchain technologies.
UNB is designed for long term growth and proper technical changes, regulations, and leadership in Crypto Currency Markets.
UNB Wallets Support Multisig Transactions for added security.
5 Star Plus - Max POD (Proof of Developer) rating from Crypto Asian - one of very few Five Star Plus.
First Crypto to launch an online auction site allowing sellers to accept over 100 cryptos for payment - UNBAuctions.com First Crypto with a phone number 1-406-CALLUNB First Crypto released by a software company with an LLC License! Unbreakable Crypto Products LLC. of Las Vegas Nevada

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